Oekraïnse veerkracht
Hoewel de Europese burgers de hulp aan Oekraïne en zijn uiteindelijke toetreding tot de EU grotendeels steunen, denkt 59% dat de wederopbouw een financiële last voor de EU zal zijn in plaats van een kans. Er is echter lang niet genoeg aandacht voor de enorme voordelen die Oekraïne de EU zou kunnen opleveren. De komende…
Matter of Worldview
That, as Urgant and Pozner claim in the attached piece, “the West” would have promised at the breakup of the Soviet Union that NATO would not expand eastward is a myth. Simply because NATO or “the West” has nothing to say about it. Individual member states unanimously decide who can and cannot join NATO, and…
Prewar times
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk warned (Politico, March 29) that Europe is in a “pre-war era” but still has a “long way to go” before it is ready to face the threat ahead. “I don’t want to scare anyone, but war is no longer a concept of the past,” Tusk said in an interview with…
Orbanizing = contradicting yourself
I read this below in De Standaard’s newsletter: I think then: If Putin-Russia conquers/russifies Ukraine/adds it to its sphere of influence, then Russia de facto borders Hungary, right? And that is precisely what Orban does not want. At least, he says. So how can this war NOT also be a war of Hungary? Indeed, if…