Waarom ‘de ziel van Europa’?

Europa wordt aangevallen. We kunnen deze dreiging alleen afwenden als Europa eensgezind is. Zolang eensgezindheid ontbreekt, is Europa een speelbal van kwade machten.

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unanimously defending human dignity

D-Day: Les uns et les autres

Dit bericht is ook beschikbaar in: Nederlands (Dutch) Français (French) Deutsch (German)

Today in The Soul of Europe, we reflect on the 80th anniversary of “D-Day,” the Allied landing in Normandy that became the turning point in the war against Nazi Germany. Countless stories have been created about World War II in Europe that are historically based on truth, either in whole or in part, or that are wholly or partially fictionalized, invented, and therefore not necessarily “true” but “truthful.

‘Les uns et les autres’ is one such film based on a core true story but with all sorts of other storylines devised around it that together form a true yet compelling romanticized musical epic. I come to it because I recognize this 1981 film as a story that offers a glimpse of a European soul; that tells us something about Europe.

Below is the film’s theatrical trailer and an article by Henk Bovekerk that I read with interest.
