Waarom ‘de ziel van Europa’?

Europa wordt aangevallen. We kunnen deze dreiging alleen afwenden als Europa eensgezind is. Zolang eensgezindheid ontbreekt, is Europa een speelbal van kwade machten.

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unanimously defending human dignity

Discipline Fund

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Railroad extension in Poland 2023 using European funds (own photo)

BRUSSELS March 27, 2023 – Countries will soon have to meet targets in exchange for their share of the EU budget under far-reaching European Commission plans.
Until now, most of the so-called cohesion funding, worth €392 billion for the period 2021-2027 and intended to stimulate growth in Europe’s poorer regions, was paid on the basis of agreed criteria and not as a reward for meeting targets.

But in a document signed Wednesday by the bloc’s 27 commissioners and reported earlier in the day by POLITICO, the EU executive raised for the first time the prospect of large-scale conditionality on funding.
“There is broad support for performance-based funding,” it wrote. She has yet to come up with a European Commission,performance funding, formal proposal. Once that is done, governments will have their say.

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